LAKE MEKELLE INITIATIVE (ተበግሶ ንኵዉንነት ቓላይ መቐለ)
Objective: This initiative is intended to inspire citizens longing to see Mekelle's advancement towards becoming a world class city. Implementation of this proposal is one addition that would excel the development and growth of Mekelle city.
ቀንዲ ሽቶ ናዚ ተበግሶ እዚ ምስቲ ኣብ ሃገርና ዘሎ ዘይቀሃመ ሃይሃይታ ልምዓት ሓዱሽ ሓስብ ብምምንጫው ኩሎም ግዱሳት ዘጋታትና ሙሁራትናን ከምኡዉን መራሕትናን ብዝሓየለ ንልምዓት ንምጉስጓስን ዘለና ፀጋታት ኣብ ጥቅሚ ንከዉዕልዎ ንምልዕዓል እዩ። አንሆ ድማ ክምቲ ኣብ መእተዊ ዝተጠቐሰ ኣብ ዉሽጢን ኣብ ወፃእን ዝርከቡ ብዙሓት ኣሕዋትናን ዓሓትናን ርእሰ ከተማ ክልልና ዝኾነት ዉቅብቲ መቐለ ንምርኣይ ሃረር ኢሎም ይረኣዪ ኣለዉ። እዚ ሰናይ ተበግሶ ናብ ኵዉንነት ንምላዋጥ ግን ሃረርታ ጥራሕ እኹል ኣይኮነን:: ካብ መራሕቲ ክልልና ጀሚሩ ዉቅብትን በልፅትን መቐለ ንምራይ ዝሕልን ኩሉ ክረባለበሉ ይግባእ ብምባል ይላቦ።
ቀንዲ ሽቶ ናዚ ተበግሶ እዚ ምስቲ ኣብ ሃገርና ዘሎ ዘይቀሃመ ሃይሃይታ ልምዓት ሓዱሽ ሓስብ ብምምንጫው ኩሎም ግዱሳት ዘጋታትና ሙሁራትናን ከምኡዉን መራሕትናን ብዝሓየለ ንልምዓት ንምጉስጓስን ዘለና ፀጋታት ኣብ ጥቅሚ ንከዉዕልዎ ንምልዕዓል እዩ። አንሆ ድማ ክምቲ ኣብ መእተዊ ዝተጠቐሰ ኣብ ዉሽጢን ኣብ ወፃእን ዝርከቡ ብዙሓት ኣሕዋትናን ዓሓትናን ርእሰ ከተማ ክልልና ዝኾነት ዉቅብቲ መቐለ ንምርኣይ ሃረር ኢሎም ይረኣዪ ኣለዉ። እዚ ሰናይ ተበግሶ ናብ ኵዉንነት ንምላዋጥ ግን ሃረርታ ጥራሕ እኹል ኣይኮነን:: ካብ መራሕቲ ክልልና ጀሚሩ ዉቅብትን በልፅትን መቐለ ንምራይ ዝሕልን ኩሉ ክረባለበሉ ይግባእ ብምባል ይላቦ።
Fig1. Image from Google satellite map and map with terrain including proposed lake (taken on 06/21/2011)(click on image to see enlarged view)
Lake Mekelle/Geba Reservoir statistics ( ኣገደስቲ ሓበረታታት )
· Location (ዝርከበሉ ቦታ): Northern Ethiopia, Tigray Region (ሰሜን እትዮጵያ, ከልል ትግራይ)
· Coordinates(ኩርንዓት ኣብ ምድሪ): 13°38’N 39°25’E Coordinates
Fig.2 coordinates; longitude and latitude of the proposed lake (click on image to see enlarged view)
· Lake type(ዓይነት ቃላይ): Reservoir (ሰብ ስራሕ ሓፅቢ/ ዲጋ/ግድብ)
· Basin country(ዋሕዚ /መገብቲ ሩባታት ዝርከበሉ ሃገር): Ethiopia (ኢትዮጵያ)
· Surface area(ስፍሓት ዝሽፍኖ መሬት): 106km2/10600hectares
- This is over 5X the size of lake Hashenge.
- Quite a few number of locals will be displaced.
- Mekelle-AbiyAdi road will be realigned preferably over the crest of the dam which potentially avoids dropping and picking altitude over the road course around the Geba gorge.
It is possible to shrink or enlarge the size of the lake by decreasing or increasing the surface elevation. Remember the dam height will decrease or increase respectively. @ 1900 meters of surface elevation, with the exception of Mekelle-AbiyAdi road, the lake will not be in conflict with other existing infrastructures. Messebo Cement Factory will not be affected at all, which will be roughly 3.048km east from the water. Water yield of the 5 tributaries permitting, the achieved lake will not be too big nor too small to build. It is just about right, at least to my sense. Size of the lake is not something that can be upgraded later. So sensible decision should be done at the start.

Fig. 4. Geba River as seen north just south of the proposed dam site. The green arrow shows altitude of 1900meters. (image taken from Google earth on 06/28/11) (click on image to see enlarged view)
· Perimeter(ስፍሓት ከብዲ ቓላይ): 226km
A 226km of waterfront line can be developed to waterfront properties with and without private access to the water, in addition to numerous view properties. This will attract real estate investors, builders, and buyers which will stir the local economy in creating jobs and encourage businesses. It will definitely generate humongous revenue to the city for generations to come. A master plan developed should be adhered at all cost. In order to avoid contamination of the lake, sewage system should be adopted and septic shouldn't be permitted to developments within a few distance to the lake. The waterfront line should compromise the following.
1. Few waterfront properties with private access for business such as a resort hotel, boatyard, boat launching etc…
2. Substantial waterfront properties with private access for residence (north side of the lake on the banks of the three narrow branched extensions of the lake)
3. The public shouldn’t be denied majority of water front access. With the development of parks and hiking trails around most part of the lake, waterfront should be for the enjoyment of the public.
4. A limited number of floating house community should be allowed with strict rules and regulations.
· Crest of dam (ዉርዲ ግድብ): 1250 meters
Fig. 5. The red line shows the possible crest line (image taken from Google map on 06/29/11) (click on image to see enlarged view)
· Dam height (ቁመት ግድብ): 250 meters
Lake Mekelle/Geba reservoir can be created by constructing a dam across the Geba River. Surplus/flood water during the rainy season will be collected to create the lake. At air distance of some 14km west from the roundabout in front of Mekelle City Municipality, the dam can be earth dam with water discharging structure (cheaper?). The twisting nature of the river course at the proposed dam site and the fact that the river flows in a deep gorge is advantageous to build an earth dam even if it will score a height of up to 250 meters measured from the river bed. Quarry of fill material (if suitable) can be developed atop the hill on both side of the gorge at the dam site. The fill material can be lowered to the gorge using hauling technologies such as conveyor belts that potentially reduces the use of dump trucks that would cut cost.
Both the reservoir and dam at Tekeze are threatened by increasing sedimentation caused by environmental degradation upstream. Even though Geba River is not one that contribute its share towards this problem for now, it will be for future developments.
“Geba (drainage area: 5180 km²), is a tributary of the Tekeze river. The catchments had drainage areas between 120 km² and 4330 km² (mean: 1068 km²) and represented a range of environments. Annual rainfall ranges from 700 mm to more than 1200 mm. The estimated area-specific sediment yields (SY) varied between 400 and 2500 ton/km²/yr (average: 1404 ton/km²/yr).”
The table below is an “Overview of the Total Runoff and Sediment Export during the measuring period (12/07/2006-10/09/2006) and their uncertainties. ‘Error’ refers to the relative error on the calculations and was assed by Monte Carlo simulations. ‘% predicted’ refers to the share of the total runoff/SY that was predicted, based on rainfall data. These predictions could not be validated. Values for Middle Geba are probably over predicted.”
Catchment Name (Abbreviation)
Catchment Area, km²
Total Runoff, m³
Error and % predicted of Total Runoff)
Suspended Sediment Export, ton
Error and % predicted of Total SY
SY(sediment yield), ton/km²
Suluh (S)
6,3% / 0%
13,5% / 0%
Genfel (G)
5,4% / 0%
31,0% / 0%
Agula (A)
7,2% / 27,7%
? / 29,2%
Ilala (I)
6,5% / 0%
9,3% / 0%
Upper Geba (OB)
7% / 2,9%
47.7% / 1,4%
May Gabat (M)
8,6% / 0%
? / 0%
Endaselassie ( E)
26,3% / 24,0%
13,3% / 20,4%
Upper Tankwa (UT)
5,9% / 41,8%
6,2% / 36,2%
Lower Tankwa (LT)
13,3% / 25,3%
12,1% / 28.2%
Middle Geba (MG)
9,7% / 70,2%
13,1% / 79,4%
The image above followed by thoughts are taken from study conducted by Physical and Regional Geography Research Group, Catholic University of Leuven in collaboration with Mekelle University. To learn more follow the link
The first five catchment listed on the table drain to the proposed Geba river dam; hence fractionally avoiding sedimentation problem downstream at Tekeze.
2.1. Tourism industry
Located close to the Regional capital Mekelle, Lake Mekelle will attract tourists and city-dwellers creating a new form of industry that can engage locals in business such as resorts, fishing, boatyard, boat launching, marina, diving sports etc... There will be a variety of marine life and birds around the lake.
2.2. Appreciated value of properties
The presence of water body near the city will boost dwelling preference that would drive up the supply of properties. This will generate substantial revenue for the city through lease income and property tax.
The water table around the lake will rise which has a positive impact on the environment. Mekelle city water supply depends mostly on deep water wells. Rising water table might improve the yield of water wells. This all depends on the geological aspect of the Geba basin around the proposed lake. The degree of water seepage and other geological factors will also determine the realization of the lake. In addition to a feed to the water wells, water from the dam can be diverted to a water treatment plant for Mekelle city water supply. Below is a helpful link of studies conducted on the geology of Geba basin available on the World Wide Web.
Parallel to the benefits harvested above, the situation will create a hydro power generation potential that can run side by side to the existing benefits. Since the lake is not intended primarily for power generation, in order to utilize it for power, the overflow/surplus water should only be used for such purposes. This will keep the lake at the said elevation (1900) through out the year. If the elevation is volatile because of the use of excessive water for power generation, the primary reason of creating the lake would be impossible.
Based on my limited understanding, I feel that the very basic portion of the proposed initiative includes cost of relocating people, cost of constructing the earth dam (if cheaper?) that includes some sort of water discharging structure, and cost of realigning Mekelle-AbiyAdi road. Then follows the rest gadgets such as dealing with the pollution coming via May-Illala since it drains to the lake.Two kinds of major pollution threats which are industrial and biological are anticipated. Industrial being the worst, biological threats are some how dealt by the environment itself to some extent. I had no doubt that if there exists any industrial pollution, it can be solved by enforcing codes with out incurring additional cost whether or not this initiative is implemented. Any other pollutions such as biological waste(if any) would cost Mekelle City Adminstration as two major works has to be done. The first is to assure that storm drains of the city are free from any possible contamination of biological waste. The second thing is a whole big story that there should be waste/sewer line that collects biological waste and convey it to waste treatment plant where the waste is processed. Lets anxiously wait until pro's give us some insight.
Different departments of the city that include Works and Urban Development Bureau, Water Supply and Sewer services, Parks Administration and others which benefit primarily from this project should be steak holders. EEPCO (Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation) which benefits from the side project of power generation in addition to ease of sedimentation on future Tekeze River projects should be a steak holder. Mekelle University should potentially use the lake for existing faculties and new faculties that will be created tuned around marine life. This will put the university to be part of the steak holders. The ultimate beneficiary who is the general public should also play an important role for the implementation of this project.LETS BREAK THE SILENCE!
It has been months since this initiative is posted. Thousands of people have viewed it from different parts of the world. As far as I know, there is none official response from local authorities. One thing that concern any citizen should not be why it is not done right away. Rather, it will be a great failure if action, that paves the way to develop this initiative, is not taken today. Any lucky generation (today's generation had a great opportunity) will do it any time. Authorities and citizens should strive at least to accomplish the necessary detail studies on the possibility of the lake. If the feasibility of the lake is positive, even if it is not constructed right away, it can be included in the master plan so that the area will be preserved with out any developments. Not all cities and towns are blessed with such opportunity. Mekelle city's great opportunity should not be ruined.
*Please come back and visit. As I learn more, posting is edited with improved thoughts.
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I like this idea and dare to see its implementation!
ReplyDeleteI am extremely excited by this idea. I am an architect by profession and love living in or visiting cities that are built near some kind of water body (eg. Toronto, New York, San Francisco, and Paris) or have a river going through them (eg. Montreal, Chicago and London). In my opinion a water body in a city increases the property value near the water, which drives economic growth, as well as increasing quality of life and the environment in general. I hope our leaders will adopt your great idea.
ReplyDeleteThank you and God bless.
Wooro, Toronto
This idea is perfectly articulated and I congratulate you for this marvelous work. However, I suggest the plan to exclude the watershed that comes out from Mekele town and its surroundings (such as kelay Keetan, Ilala etc) to avoid possible pollution due to industrial, hospital and domestic wastes that comes from the town.
I am not a proffesional on this field ,but it seems very interesting and I hope the responsible one responed to your proposal my beloved lands man and I really appereciate you for your concern and the name to be by Weldegerima,AMORA, is very iteresting b/s he is amartyr for the Tigray poeple,Real Tigraway!!, Thank you and gud bles you sir!!
What a great idea!!
ReplyDeleteMy fellow compatriots, what we learn from life is: not to surrender, to be visionary and fairly demand you right as a human mankind. There is no land naturally condemned to be dry, no people destined to starve, it is only the way governors/administrators look at the issue. Tigray was supposed to be a land of draught and calamity, and that was believed to be true and natural. Now that her brave sons and daughters came victorious in avoiding all the obstacles and spines of development we are seeing what our MARTYRS dreamt to see, a developed and green Tigray!! Those precious people fought not only to topple the military regime but to bring peace, prosperity and DEVELOPMENT. This initiative is part and parcel of that very dream being revealed. Enough is enough/Beqa/ as our hero Amoraw said it, now it is time to throw a stone to make feasible this and other more initiatives, being the most important of course, the Hidase Dam, and this lake is to be given due emphasis as well!!
The 'initiative' is indeed inspiring ! I can not tell you how much excitement this idea has brought to my heart as I read through. Any grand idea, project, etc in Ethiopia brings me inspiration, hope, belief and confidence in ourselves. When I was in high school, I always wished that Mekelle had some lake around it and told my friends my wishes. After coming to Europe for study and after having seen many cities and the water bodies that give them life, my wish for Mekelle to have something like that grew stronger.
ReplyDeleteNow reading this 'initiative' is like a dreaming coming true for me on a personal level. This 'initiative' is inspiring on many levels and on many aspects. I hereby declare my support for it.
Just a couple of things that I wished they were made clear: Is this just personal proposal of you, or is that something that has been approved by the regional government or any other Gov. body? I have tried to find out this from this blogpost, but I could not find. Also the link to the study by Leaven University is not working. Please update us on the status of the 'initiative' , the people (bodies) involved in it, the level of commitment, etc.
with regards,
I am looking forward for its implementation, and fully ready to support professionally. Every thing is well stated thank you for the re-initiation, there was a plan via the Mekelle city water supply project, I dono why it finally waved or hung up the project.
ReplyDeleteI like your idea using a conveyor with a very minor operational and investment cost almost every material can be transported down there. What we need is blessing, positive vision and professional and non professional unification.
I die happy if this is implemented in my life time.
it is fascinating and marvelous idea. cost is critical, so I would be happy, had this proposal included rough cost estimate for the dam. i know it would not be easy at this stage, but at least "literate guess' would help a lot to know if it would be beyond our capacity or not.
ReplyDeleteWhat A beautiful idea.I am a professional in the engineering area and I will help you with the conceptual design. I will put something together and will post it.
ReplyDeleteThank you Zeru , although the initiative is not totally new, perhaps to some of us.
ReplyDeleteAnytime I see or hear about this particular project it makes me sick from inside out, because of lack of measurable actions by Tigray Regional State in general and pertinent agencies in particular. I am assuming that most of us are well aware of Meklle’s chronic water supply issues (quantity and quality) which have been lingering for decades now.
In an attempt to address this issue, at one time, there was a concerted effort by key stakeholders to identify, study, design, and implement a sustainable water supply source that could also be used for other socio-economic purposes. It was this general area (it may not exactly overlap) that was preliminarily picked for further in-depth studies.
In the late 90s, the Engineering Consulting firm I was working for teamed up with TAHAL Consulting Engineers (from Israel) to undertake an integrated feasibility study on this project . We made field visit, discussed with local agencies, prepared our technical and financial proposals, and summated for review and evaluation. Unfortunately, we did not win the bid. There was also some unhealthy political maneuvering to offer the whole study and design project to a government consulting office based in Addis.
“Yetim Fechew, Duketun Amchiw” The sad thing is that nothing measurable has been done on this project, as far as I am concerned. I could also be wrong. May be something new is on the pipeline. I used to be involved in the region’s water related issues when I was back-home.
Zeru, someone has to lead! You are the one! your are on the driver’s seat. Keep it up. Don’t drop the ball halfway.
Thank you
Love it buddy. If this is technically feasable, that is if the hydrologic conditions of the area allow for such a dam and lake, for sure it must come into a reality -- hopefully within 6 to 10 years. No matter what the initial cost, the long term economic benifits dwarf the initial cost, beside of the priceless aesthetic value for all residents and vistors!!!
ReplyDeleteZeru, I grew up like you in Addis. About a year and half ago I went to Meklle as a tourist visiting locals from Tana Lake, Lalibella, all the way to Axum and Mekele. Was supposed to stay in Mekelle for about a week, but I fell in love with the residents so much, I stayed there for one full month --- they are really one of the kindest, friendliest people on Earth!!
No doubt this will pump up the Tourism business in the region, just like Bahrir Dar, Lake Tana, etl, have done.
Indeed very Inspiring proposal -- my hope is every major city in Ethiopia will be a BEAUTIFUL, clean, modern city!!!
What a noble proposal!!
ReplyDeleteI was tearful and speechless when I read this fascinating idea. Let me say this. I visited Tigray about 3 years ago... while I was chatting with my aunt, just a family talk, I asked a question to why my uncle's name, her brother, was called after his grand-father's name. My auntie replied, because our grand father was a hero, who killed a lion in the jungle just by himself. I was...kind of what?? and after minutes of silence I asked...were was your grand-father living? and my aunt got confused with my question and replied...what do you mean when you ask... where was my grandfather living? and she replied with a relaxed tone...he was living here in Tigray...he has never traveled out of his the area close to our home had the thickest and with tangled mass of tropical vegetation. Lions, Tigers, Elephants...and other many many animals were in the forest all the time...I was extremely puzzled with our conversation with my aunt and made me to think ... is it possible to make the now dry land covered with vegetation?? After I read your proposal, I see a dream come true. Anything is possible if we are dedicated like our sisters and brother, like AMORA.
Thank you for your inspiration.
Dear brothers,
ReplyDeleteI think potable water has priority over recreational pools. Does it mean the water problem in Mekele is solved already? I used to be in Mekele? Honestly, you can call me anything you want me, I hate to live in Mekele because I do not enjoy life wherever there is water problem.
I am not opposing the idea. But first thing first and second thing second. Without fuflilling the first need trying to work on the second is just waste of time. I know there is a big water problem water in Mekele, Machew, Axum.
Here is my suggestion:
1. First let us build big reservoirs in each city and town and make clean potable water accessible. And make clean water availabe to the rural areas too.
2. Then we can work on the second.Otherwise, this like buying computers, TV, frige,... without having a house. Without developing the rural area, focusing in one city Mekele will only attract people to Mekele from the rural area and make Mekele like addis overcrowded and dirty.
Please do not focus only one city Mekele. Please focus on every major city. I would rather develop the place which has flowing and fresh spring waters like Feres Mai, Enticho, Bizet, .... than trying to make a non-existing artificial like in Mekele. It is true Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, London, New york, Stuggart, Cape Town,... are endowed with natural water fronts. But let us do first thing first.
It is true it is 100% possible to reclaim the desert to become green belt again. Before building artificial water in Mekele,let us first plant trees and make it green and then it will be easy to keep the artificial water clean and healthy when surrounded by plants. Let us plant trees and make it green first using harvesting rain water and use the water to grow trees first before building the dam. Then easily to build any water bogy after that.
This sounds a good idea, am sure everyone will be thrilled to see this great initiative turned into reality, our people will rally behind the project, lets all join hands and build artificial lake in Mekele, it will help develop the city.
ReplyDeleteOne thing, I am not keen on the name the author proposed, thats the only objection I have. I suggest it should be named after Amoraw, Amoraw is the de gurilla name for weldegerima, So suggest that the name should be amoraw hayk. Amoraw portrays the struggle of the tigrean people for justice,equality, freedom and development.
All the best, I personally will be helping by raising some funds for the project. This is a promise. keep up the good work. First we think then we act, good initiative worth every support
This is another project which I loved most after the millenium dam.
Dear Mitmita,
ReplyDeleteit has been 20 years since the issue you raised(portable water) has been tried to be addressed. And I am sure a lot has been done so far. Now while carrying on to complete the remaining it is time to start thinking of such huge and holy project that can bring a significant change. That could also contribute to solve the portable water demand for good. plus this is a beginning, not the end. Similar projects can be thought in other major towns that are crossed by rivers. In one or in the other way we should start thinking of similar projects on every river we possess, not just focus on mekelle or giba river. To my understanding this initiative does not emphasis that we should focus only and only in Mekelle. People will flow to Mekelle only we stop there.
To be honest I was always asking myself why it should be difficult to dam every river in every village/town to satisfy water supply be it for drinking or small scale irrigation by mobilizing the local people. For instance, it was always my question why should Mekelle and Axum suffer from water supply shortage while there is river near by? In my lay man thoughts i have always dreamt more than the water supply i.e by damming illala river to irrigate Gembela and mai shigurty to irrigate Hatsebo. Specially of mai shigurity, i have assumed it is at a strategic location that can be used both to solve the water supply for the town , irrigate Hatsebo and change the ecosystem for the better.
so let the job begin at Mekelle and do similar one by one.
Dear Zemedemariam,
ReplyDeleteI hope we did not misunderstand each other. I was intending to say potable water, not portable water. Potable water is water for drinking, for cooking, for washing body and other basic water needs. This project appears to be geared towards tourism and resort.
I have hand on experience how difficult it is to keep a small pool clean? you have to put alot of expensive chemical treatments to keep a small pool of water clean. Thus building an afrtificial lake in Mekele is very very expensive. you have to keep the artificial water clean, fresh, and keep out of dust, dirt and litters. This is in Mekele where dust ( Abura ) is common which can fill the lake with dust everyday.
Yes, 20 years, but I do not see Mekele green or covered by big trees. Planting trees must have been a priority and also harvest rain water for the planting to grow. I do not see Mekele with green trees. Did you hear the story of the woman who planted alot of tree in Adigrat? one woman? Such thing must have been done awhile ago.
I still think that planting tree comes first before building the making artificial lake. Well, keep the plan, but plant trees all around the planned area and then the plant will keep the water clean and improve even the precipitation and ground water potential or aquifer.
I would give priority harnessing the fresh water in Fres Mai, Enticho, Hatsebo, adwa, Bizet, ....
For instance, Bizet is close to Debre Damo which is a hot tourism center, but there is no even a proper road to debre Damo from Bizet. What is really in Mekele that can attract tourists? Only the castle? The camels from Danakil? If you see Bizet, there is Adikesho, close to Debre damo and with its unique master piece architecture church built in the most fascinating location and water flowing from the church side itself and another river flowing to Mereb. The frresh water evaporates until it reach Mereb. Such fresh water can be harnessed and transported to the places with water problem including Mekele. The river which flows from Top and opposite side of Adigrat to through Bizet to Mereb. If all that water could be managed, we could get water easily to Mekele and other places which suffer alot from the absence of water.
I do not even undestand why Mekele is chosen a center of Tigray while the area has low water potential? I still suggest prioritizing the high water potential areas. It is also good to start with a pilot project before venturing to build a big lake.
I support building a large or huge water reservior in Mekele for potable water and even for hydropower. That is how many countries get their power from instead. But this is my opinion. I honestly feel pity for the water scarcity in Mekele which is hot and Axum. I am were the water problem still exist in Axum and Mekele.
Thank you hyro!
ReplyDeleteYou were sick as i am too. The good thing we can make it true with effort and of course we can.
Zeru keep leading and moderate the idea in an accelerated way.
I am sorry to say this but by the tone of mimita' comment what I understand is that, for some reason, she/he sounds very angry about the proposal and in the name of suggesting alternative idea he/she is trying to initiate unpleasant narrow regional arguments. (I hope i am wrong). Let's focus on the merit and demerit of the proposed project rather than expressing our love/hate of that place or this place becuase of x reasons
ReplyDeleteDear mimita
I fully understand and support your idea of giving priority to potable water projects. This proposale, if feseable might be one of the solutions to alievate the cronic water shortage in Mekelle and its saroundings. The idea of tourist attraction and the rest will be secondary.
As far as it is feseable, I love the idea. I hope the proposal will prompt people in the high office to initiate detailed study of the project or something similar. I am sure there are a lot of people who are very happy to help professionally and financially.
May hope is one day Cities like Mekelle, Axum and other towns will have plenty of fresh water and people like mimita will fall in love with them.
Gual Shire,
ReplyDeleteI guess you are carried away by your sentiment than by my opinion. Leave alone with in Tigray or Ethiopia in particular , even in general globally, I do not believe even in nationalism or regionalism.I guess Ethiopians set up with this regionalism. What I said is just truth. I did not favour any region. For obvious reason, I would never prefer to live in Mekele. Reason: simple, I do not enjoy life living in water stressed environment, be it Mekele or Axum or Machew whereit is hard to take shower. This is a fact on the ground. No biases, prejudice or hate. Please accept facts.
I have heard many stories from Europeans tourists who went to Axum, but could not get a proper resting place, modern resting place with electricity and water. Axum is a tourist destination than Mekele. Is this not true? I am not saying this because I am from Axum or because I am regionalist? Debredamo is a tourist destination than Mekele? Is this not true? There are many other places in Tigray which is not even accessible to tourism but could attract alot of tourism. What the need for an artificial lake in Mekele? it is like building a swimming pool while one does not have water to drink?
Let me repeat myself again, changing this project or upgrade it to a huge water reservoir not for lake, but for potable water and if the reservoir retains water that is more than the basic need, then you can release it to pools or artificial lakes. There is no any reason that can make me angry.Why would I get angry? I am thinking about priority.
Besides, use the money from EFFORT, and make one big hospitality hotel than can do the tourism business and put up tourism facilities in tourism target areas like Axum, Debre Damo, ... other places. build resorts with tap water, solar power, shower, cottage lodges. Such thing does not exist now.
ReplyDeleteI think you are missing the point here. This is just not recreational pool. It is an economic development project which will create more business investments as well as tourism. As a result, more jobs will be created and increase the tax revenue for the regjional government that can be used for potable water or whatever the need is in the regjion. Just need to see Hawassa and Bahir Dar to understand such a water body is a great economic development tool!!!
Ps: mimita -- hope you are not the same Shabia mimita I have noticed in the cyber world who constantly spread lies about Ethiopia and the government in the Internet -- hope not.
But if you are, your post is completely understandable, because the last thing you want to see is a world class city in Mekelle or anywhere in Ethiopia!!!
Could your real name be Elias Kifle or Berhanu Nega??? I won't be suprized!
ReplyDeleteI read your last comment after my last post. Your last post seems more reasonable. So I will take back my Shabia comment if I am indeed wrong about you.
But I still say you are completely missing the point here because you are not seeing the overall economic value of such a water body to the entire region. Like I said before, you just need to see how much Bahir Dar and Lake Tana tourism are countributing to the regional government. The economic development in one city contributes indirectly to other cities in the region as the state taxes collected from richer cities are used to develop the other less developed cities and localities.
Dear Mimita
ReplyDeleteLet me fall in to your trap willingly and say a few points about your comments.
First, you said
"....I do not even understand why Mekele is chosen a center of Tigray while the area has low water potential?"
Wow ! mimita... That is where your problem emanated from anger started. I would recommend you to read Tigray history 101. Great minds started a holly initiative, either it will be implemented or not to be seen, and you are trying to question the merit of mekelle being the capital of the Tigray regional state.... Very irrelevant to the issue we are discussing on this post.
Mekelle is the capital city of the region, fact. I have been to Mekelle twice to visit a dear friend who is a lecturer in Mekelle University and as you rightly said it, I observed the chronic shortage of potable water in the city, fact. What we are trying to discuss here is that based on , at least, the above 2 facts, what can we as citizens and the regional and national governments can do the alleviate the water shortage. ( by the way during my visit, I find the city very pleasant and has a huge potential to grow. The missing link to realise its growth potential is Potable water…. My bible teaches me not to hate the have not and love the haves….).
Mimita; either you call it lake or reservoir, if it is feasible and implemented, this can become primarily the source of fresh water to the city and at the same time attracts tourists ( two birds with one stone). If you see Aswan dam in Egypt, it was built primarily to produce hydro electricity, however, it attracts millions of tourists every year at the same time.
Second, you said on your second comment
“…I guess you are carried away by your sentiment than by my opinion. Leave alone with in Tigray or Ethiopia in particular , even in general globally, I do not believe even in nationalism or regionalism. I guess Ethiopians set up with this regionalism.”
So, we Ethiopians in general are “regionalists”…. And you are telling us you non-Ethiopian is “globalist”. I got it now. I can see where your anger and unnecessary bragging is coming from. I was right to comment earlier that “….For some reason, she/he sounds very angry about the proposal and in the name of suggesting alternative idea he/she is trying to initiate unpleasant narrow regional arguments.” I know the reason now mimita.
By the way your argument regarding priority should be given to potable water (less the negativity) I am with you. And this reservoir/lake can serve that….
God bless you.
what a wonderful idea is this!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am ready to help in my profession by promoting this page to every one.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt is an extremely interesting idea that in my opinion is quite plausible to implement as long as the catchment drains good amount of rain water and the balance post evapotranspiration can sustain the proposed project. The initial cost probably will be a lot, yet the return will be immense for generations to come. Besides the businesses and tourist activities around the lake, the rugged topography running around and nearby the catchment can be developed for Tourism purposes with simple investments such as opening walking trails into varioua attractive benchmarks that display the magnificent beauty of nature and Mekelle City. We all know how the tourists from the west love hiking. If Mekelle is to grow and support the socio-economic need of its people, grand ideas like the one you proposed is second-to-none. Every area in the catchment and its environ can be harnessed for the good of the development of the city and its people.
Tilahun K.
Dear audiences! I am glad that you are already engaged in business. As I mentioned on my objective, I feel I am achieving one of the two stages of my goal. Being a lot should be done yet, the first stage of my goal is to inspire citizens driving them to react and contribute their share that will help our leaders buy confidence and dependability of the citizens they lead; which will help them make decisions. Being said that, I want to mention a couple of things.
There are inevitable situations that we can't avoid on the tone of the comments we convey. If it appeals to your sense, please let us keep it as much smooth as possible.
Dear mimita.
I don't have any problem with any of your concerns or questions. For me it seems that you are dealing with the wrong person/group/site. Generalizing your concerns, please allow me to classify it in to two sects.
1. the problem of water supply
Regarding this matter, most of us, I believe, are concerned as you are. I don't think anybody would favor dumping the real fact aside. My lobby here on this comment is that, you should take initiative about it in some sort and tackle the said problem. Come up with a convincing plan that would attract citizens to participate in the fight against this chronic problem. I bet, people including me will be lining up on your side; guaranteed! If there is a population of 6,000,000 people in Tigray, I don't think that all of us should be working on one subject. Hope you understand what I meant. You are really initiated about the chronic water supply issues. That is excellent. Keep working on it. As you are dedicated to the said matter above, I am concerned and dedicated in beautifying the city Mekelle, creating job for locals, stir the economy and generate more revenue to the local government etc... Is there any thing wrong about it? Unfortunately, on our different concerns, there is one thing that we share in common. We both are dealing with water related matter. So the question should be, can I do, on my way of achieving my goal, some thing that contributes towards a solution to your concern vis-a-vis? I believe so. Let's work on that!
2. Regarding your opinion about where should be the capital of Tigray, definitely you are talking the wrong person/group/site. I don't think, as individual, me or you has the right to set that. Lets leave that to the people of Tigray(including me and you)! Had the capital been Bizet or Debere Damo or any place in Tigray, I could have proposed any relevant initiative as I did here.
Thank you for your noble idea. it is realy interesting. i was wondering if you share us the very brief estimation of the project so that it will be ok to comment in view of different angles
ReplyDeleteI would love too, as you are. It is difficult to estimate the cost on my level as I had no experience on dam projects. Until professionals give us some insight, which I am anticipating eagerly, allow me to throw some thoughts based on my limited understanding.
I feel that the very basic portion of the proposed initiative, definitely, should include cost of relocating people, cost of constructing the earth dam (if cheaper?) that includes some sort of water discharging structure, and cost of realigning Mekelle-AbiyAdi road. Then follows the rest gadgets such as dealing with the pollution coming via May-Illala since it drains to the lake. I see two kinds of major pollution threats which are industrial and biological. Industrial being the worst, biological threats are some how dealt by the environment itself to some extent. I had no doubt that if there exists any sort of industrial pollution, it can be solved by enforcing codes with out incurring additional cost if this initiative is implemented. Any other pollutions such as biological waste(if any) would cost Mekelle City Adminstration as two major works has to be done. The first being affirming storm drain of the city from any possible contamination of biological waste. The second thing is a whole big story that there should be waste/sewer line that collects biological waste and convey it to waste treatment plant where the waste is processed. Lets anxiously wait until pro's give us some insight.
Dear Zeru,
DeleteMy name is Negasi Niguse Gebremichael(Eyob Zeditchi is my pen name). I just got an opportunity to stop by your blog and am really pleased to see such visionary youngsters. I really really appreciate your idea and action. I have an Industrial Engineering degree from Ethiopia and Civil Engineering degree from US and I believe I may be of some value(at least by idea)to your project. I don't know if you raised the issue somewhere but just wanted to raise my concern. I have seen the positive impacts iterated, but not the negative impacts. I know negative impacts shouldn't hinder such projects but should be addressed though. If you already have addressed it let me know to look over the details of your blog. I have an ample experience in performing SWOT analysis and drafting strategy thereof. I just moved from Mekelle in mid of 2008 and have valuable networks specially with Trade and Industry, Municipality of City of Mekelle, and EFFORT. I think this might help me in contributing for the realization of your precious project. Best Regards
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting the conceptual design that you promised! I know you have to put a lot of time on it. It is really appreciated and would like to say keep it up.
Getting project cost estimate even if it is a rough estimate is not always easy
ReplyDeleteBe it out of keen interest, curiosity, or skepticism, most of the questions you have raised in this very engaging platform are legitimate and interesting in many ways.
But, let us also not forget that this is a humongous, multidisciplinary, and multi-phase development project that critically demands the active involvement of various stakeholders in and outside Tigray State.
Folks, I am not discouraging anyone from asking questions. Not at all! But, I just want to highlight that the estimation process is not as easy as we would like it to be. It needs an insightful conceptual model/design, preliminary design, etc. and the input of different professionals who have ample time and some sort of background, at least on major components of the project.
Friendly Suggestion:
1) Let us give Zeru and others as well, sometime if they can come up with something in this regard, including ideas on how the estimation process can be achieved. My fear is that many people, including decision making regional officials, will turn reluctant to even consider the project if the project estimate is excessively high (relative expression). Reminder, this is not a one-time project. A project of this nature and scale is meant to be implemented through prioritization and in multiple phases. Moreover, cost is not the only limiting factor in making major decisions.
2) Visions and noble ideas turn into dreams (sometimes into day dreams) for lack of passion and actions. Let us not be discouraged; keep the momentum. The communication process by itself is educational and many people are inspired to pursue their given visions.
May God bless you all,
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for the positive thinking reflected by the proponent. Like your great idea, there are lots of other noble proposals that many would have liked to forward. However, the biggest deterrent is the stubborn mentality of the self considering as "all knowing" politicians. These in the decision making seats are not blessed with vision for the good of the people. Due to this, they are repellent to any idea that doesn't originate from the top most in the echelon of power. They believe this is the proven strategy to sustain their privileged life.
Anyways,Keep up the good job my friend so that others will follow suit.
Dear Zeru,
ReplyDeleteI would like to say Big and massive hello first!!!!
Well done for working on this very interesting initiative. Don't give up as this is a huge area where you need perseverance and commitment. I wish you all the best and keep up the good work. Already thinking of how I could help.
Say hello to your brothers and sisters and family!!!GBU
Rahel- London
Part 1
ReplyDeleteDear Zera’u Hagos Cherkos
I have no words strong enough to express the depth of gratitude I have for you for the marvelous initiative you come up with and for the depth of analysis you did. I believe it is very impressive to have such fruitful minds. Everything starts with such noble idea. I was touched by your article regarding the lake of Mekelle across the Giba River. It is a gift from the Almighty for the neglected city which still lacks sustainable wash strategy to date. Most of its residents are having scanty water supply too little to survive live alone to lead modern life.
The initiative you proposed is far beyond satisfying the demand of the city for wash (water and sanitation service). It does have values which are too big to be fully described by my article. Anyway, I want rise the following supportive ideas
1, having ample water source is the cardinal input for modern lifestyle; healthy life is unthinkable without hygiene and sanitation. And this cannot be acquired without ample water supply
2, Water is the sole source of natural beauty; it is simply impossible to imagine the major cities in the world being far away from beaches and coastal lines. It is worse than imagining having New York /Sydney/Paris/London/Tokyo and so on without electric city service. The given cities existed before electricity come in to being but not without the nearby water sources which gives them special beauty and sense of freshness and sign of modernity.
3, we Tigrians deserve to have a city which can be source of pride for our brave and committed people. History has already given Mekelle the golden opportunity to represent the image of Tigray. Whether we like it or not our external image is being reflected with what Mekelle looks like. Fortunately, the residents of Mekelle come from all corners of Tigray. Moreover, unlike other localities in our region, Mekelle is home town for all without having special sense of indigenousness, no special privilege of being home town to certain sub clan or locality of Tigray. By beatifying Mekelle we can simply change our image in the country Ethiopia in particular and the world in general. This does not mean the other towns should be neglected. All I am saying is Mekelle should remain center of excellence to all Tigrians.
4, No one respects us so long us we remain poor and uncivilized. And civilization is mainly reflected by having clean and shining towns. We can see nearby regions doing much to capitalize in certain towns of their region so as to build their image. Bahardar and Awassa are examples worth mentioning. Luckily, unlike most other towns in Ethiopia the towns we have in Tigray are known for having uniformity in road design and building distribution. Most of our towns; Endasillassie, Axum, Wukro, Humera etc have better founding plans to easily develop them to modern metropolitan cities. We can develop them to attractive towns with minor cosmetic (aesthetic) manipulations such as; road construction, gardening and plastering less pleasant buildings. My suggestion solely depends on Ethiopian context
5, the mere point I am training to make is far beyond the physiological and social need for comfortable residence. Its significance in cementing Ethiopian unity while having its diverse nature intact is immense. Self reliance and good economic viability is vital in bringing societies together. This is because; the essence of unity is appreciated by all partners for having complementary effect in the livelihood of culturally and linguistically diverse societies. Putting oneself in comfortable positions somehow loosens the attitude of the bitter enemy towards oneself.
Part 2
ReplyDeleteImagine! the cruel act of the Italians on the innocent people of Ethiopia during the Mussolini period. However, no one in Ethiopia heats them too much despite all the crimes committed by them. We even yarn to go to Italy for better life. The sole reason is the image of civilization they have created in our minds masking their bad deeds. On the contrary, the toxic Diaspora is still propagating hatred towards Tigray despite all the sacrifice we made to correct the derailed historical course of Ethiopia. This is because we could not yet change our image of poverty with signs of civilization and development. Once, we manage to posses beautiful cities and green landscape we will win the hearts of all including morbid enemies. To live you with simple example from Dr Solomon Enquay’ s “The agony and ecstasy of Tigray” He mentioned “ I don’t know why the Derg used to release some political prisoners in fewer occasions and members of EPRP,ELF and EPLF were some of the beneficiaries, however, on one had that chance from the imprisoned TPLF members” . For me the answer is clear. It affirms that no one cares for the poor. Otherwise, there is no logic to soften the heart of the Derg towards ELF/EPLF members better than they do towards TPLF members. The home take massage is no body respects us whatever democratic and impartial governance we rooted in Ethiopia so long us we are still poor. Hence, we should show others that we are hard working and economically viable by displaying marvelous cities and towns in the electronic media. Let us create sense of pride in the minds of our fellow youngsters so that they will have confidence and self consciousness. Let’s us not kill the moral of youngsters born in other parts of Ethiopia and abroad by displaying the over degraded landscape and poorly managed ( designed) cities and towns of Tigray.
6, we Tigrians have plenty of natural and human resources to capitalize on; this includes unparalleled history of civilization, courage, literature, spirituality and righteousness. We have highly committed people who can change histories so long us we keep on sensitizing them through rational national feeling. We have a land full of gorges, streams and plane lowlands with ample natural resources
7 Imagine! Tekeze streams with slow pace in the low lands of Setit turning west of Adiabo for 200 to 300 KMs. We can simply use small scale water pumps to irrigate tens, if not hundreds, of thousands hectares of land in the southern bank of the river without waiting for fancy and costly irrigation projects. By doing so we could have had produced cereals and cash crops for the entire region. The rest of over ploughed Tigray topography could have been spared for area closure where we can easily harvest honey and rear domestic animals. We could simply flood the oil laden Middle Eastern counties with fresh and organic agricultural products.
8, Tigray is full of gorges and various small and medium size rivers and streams. All we need to do is search for narrow gorges in the routes of Giba, Wera’e, Zamra, Kaza, Zarema and other rivers for earth dams to be built with no compensation for displacement. By my lay observation, I have seen several narrow gorges where small cost dams can be built. By doing so we can use the downstream banks for plantation of fruits that we can export to the Middle East along with the animal products I mentioned earlier.
• By doing so we could have created job opportunity for the immigrating youth.
• By doing so we could have repeated the miraculous accomplishment of the arms struggle we wagged to the advantage of our people.
• By doing so we could have served as glue to the Ethiopian unity
• By doing so we could have won the heart of all black people in the planet to further increase tourist number
• BUT, I am afraid, we may be lacking political commitment and the will to transfer power to the energetic and capable segment of society (the youth)
9, Additionally, It is not that costly to have our own second hand Cargo planes which we can use to export the agricultural products to the nearby cities in the Middle East. We have comparative advantage in geographic proximity to lift our products to their destiny in a matter of few hours. We can simply win the minds of consumers by utilizing our cheap labor for reasonable price and organic agriculture in comparison to other suppliers. By doing so we could have created jobs for our youth and migrants from nearby regions and countries.
ReplyDeletePart 4
ReplyDelete10, having said, this let us think and rethink critically! We need fertile think tank and committed leadership. Staying in power is useless so long us our people livelihood is unchanged. We Tigrians have every input for development at our disposal except for lack of commitment from the selfish leadership who persistently clenches on political power. The people should not remain laboratory subjects for the failing policies. We should respect leaders based on their practical achievements rather than entertaining speech they make.
11, these days, the fertile lands of Humera and Raya are being under utilized for lack of proper agricultural mechanization. The so called investors in Humera plough by tractor once a year while spreading the seed. They use human labor to wed and harvest. Their per hectare yield is even smaller compared to the small scale land owners can produce. This is because the small plot of land owners properly and timely deal with their land. As a result the so called investors are underutilizing the land. Had the land (common wealth) been given to thousands of households, both the number of benefices and production could have raised rather than having small individuals possessing thousands of hectares? Most of these selfish individuals simply exhaust their wealth by building residences in Gondar, AA and other places rather than investing in Tigray. The remaining money is spent on drinking and gambling. Ultimately Tigray is not having any benefit from the so called investors for two reasons. 1, they use no technology to increase production while scrambling the scarce land in a country where fellow citizens are lacking pieces of land to flex their muscles on. 2, they extravagantly exhaust the money they earn from Tigray by having luxurious vehicles, homes here and there and consuming alcohol. If at all the people of Tigray benefit from the low lands of Humera, it is from the daily labors who work for the selfish investors as seasonal migrants for they win the daily bread of their poor families. Were it not been for the poor land management, the daily laborers could have had reasonable share of the land for better land use and wealth distribution. Naturally, all Tigrians have equal birth (natural) right to the land use. For obvious reasons, Feudalism has gone for good.
To my knowledge, an investor is one who has capital knowledge and skill to intensify technological input to lands so that he/she can increase land productivity. By providing land to such individuals the production increases which in turn create other investment where the land less can get job and food security. But the reality in Humera is quite contrary. The so called investors use similar technology with those who have small plot of land. Similarly the land productivity even declines with the increase in size of the land for poor management. There is inverse relationship between the per hectare productivity and extent of land possession.
Part 5
ReplyDelete12, I just raised the above issues to assert on the need for think tank in Tigray. Let us know that nobody cares for us for bleeding too much to liberate Ethiopia so long us we remain poor. Even others may find it shameful to be led by such incompetent segment of population. The reason is one should care for oneself before considering others. The massage is TPLF should care for Tigray before pleasing the other parts of Ethiopia. In case of calamity it is Tigray who will serve for your safety.
13, Should we shine economically, academically and physically through hard work and strategic thinking, we will be the one to be considered as glue for the future of Ethiopia by all Ethiopians. The Amharas were trying their best to please the Eritreans so as to keep them under the umbrella of Ethiopia for they already had Asmara, Massawa, Asab and the red sea, while disguising Tigray for having no economic advantage during the imperial period. That was also the sole reason for Mengistu Hailemariam to bray and bluff on the observance of May Day, 1989 G.C after the Derg retreat, from all of Tigray. “Tigary is worthless fighting for; it cannot even cover the cost for chalk”. This is also the existing misconceptions which still drive the toxic Diaspora to this day to the insane attitude towards Tigray.
Let us show them that we are the true sons of the ancient Ethiopians (Axumites) by being successful economically, academically, culturally and spiritually. Success is the best reward. It is double edged swords which can hart the envious more than any mighty weapon on Earth can do so. We do not want our enemies vanish for ever, rather we want them see our success. Let the Hamasseins see a city of our own sweat and skill shining over the Italian built Asmera. Let us use all potential resources to shine again the way our forefathers did about 1500 years ago.
“Those who do not history will be forgotten by history” a saying from Israel ( B.General , May, 28, 2012; interview with Ethiopian TV on the occasion of Gunbet, 2o)
Let us show the world our fathers’ blood line still continues. Let us show them still we are Yeha and Axum.
Stay blessed
I think the idea seems good but do you think this project is feasible in terms of the geological morphology in the Giba area! If I am not mistaken there were studies as to why the small scale dams which were constructed by the then sart projects were dried withing weeks after the end of a rainy season and the finding was that the basement rock in the mekele area is porous and is incapable of holding water!
ReplyDeleteThis was also in turn affected the dam foundation where the remaining water was leaking down through the dam base!
Don't you think the feasibility is questionable?
As the project if such issues are addressed its a must do one I beleive that Mekelle as a capital city of our region, the problem in potable water should be solved, I am pro this project provided its a viable possibility!
A 250 meters high with no power generation opportunity with no irrigation options just to avail potable water and tourist destination? I think it will be worth costly just considering the other risks nullified.
Lets argue and we will come to a feasible multiporpose and sustainable options including the as is indicated by Mr. Zer'u.
DeleteThis one among relevant researches done on the issue you raised.
Too bad that I am not good in the area of geology. Thanks for your interest though @Getachew! I wish if the pros on the field have their say!
DeleteFirst and for most, I would like to appreciate the initiator of this multipurpose project. It is an indication that we are capable to design and develop a project that can feed not only Tigrai but also Ethiopia. lastly, thanks Mr. Getachew for pointing my concern related with the geologic and soil condition of the project area. Beside to that, evaporation from the wide area and also shallow artificial Lake may be another feasibility concern as most of the months are dry season.
DeleteIt is really nice thing to see this kind of ideas, what I am thinking for many years.I am always wondering why the Tigray government did not respond the water need of the city (In terms of quantity and quality. Please post this kind of nice things in face book or other social medias, so as every people in need of this information can look at it.
ReplyDeleteI will be the first to help in money or in Knowledge for the feasibility of the project.
Thank you so much for the information sharing us.
You're welcome @AMD. Feel free to share the link in social medias.
DeleteBrilliant and so inspiring initiative. I we all are committed and dedicate to realize this holy idea, we can achieve it. One suggestion, but i don't have problem with the previous suggested name, I prefer its name will be "MARTYRS LAKE" to memorize all our hero's. Gebrekirstos G/amlak
ReplyDeleteThanks Liwam Gebrekirstos! "Martyrs Lake" would be perfect to my eyes!
Deleteits a nice idea. i always wonder why government of The region did not decided to built a dam around Gabe-river. i had been informed that the site were investigated by Israeli based consultants some years ago.even i had gotten a chance to visit the site and some test pits were founded. There is no question about about the potential of the area to build an artificial reservist (dam reservoir). therefore, our intonation should be to collect some financial sources to do so.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the summarized presentation of the proposal. As a member of SAERT Co. in 1901 t0 1995 and After than golgol Raya study team and expert.
ReplyDeleteWe have had a complete study and proposal for Gereb Giba development, soon after completion of the basin and associated small earth dams, there was a change in a job assignment.
The regional Government have received the proposal by then, and following the Ethio-Eritrean war broke out and many of the projects were delayed.
Recently in a diaspora meeting with Addis Alem Balema and the current cabinet informed us that they are looking for fund and loans, then there was a news that the the potential loan provider changed his mind and it is not moving forward.
Anyway it is good you brought it up back. I am now doing a face book and other social media campaign to push the regional government and Federal to act on this project.
Side by side I am bringing the old motto " Lemeat Adi bi wedi Adi" and try to engage the people contribute what they can to the realization of the project.
Join us all.
What a great work
ReplyDeleteፅቡቕን ዝነኣድን ተበግሶ ገይርካ እዚ ዝመስል ሓሳብ ንረብሓ ህዝቢ ምቕራብካ ከመስግነካ ይፈቱ :: ከምቲ ዝበልካዮ ገረብ ግባ ኣብ ረብሓ ማይ ንመቐለ ዝዓበየን ዝቐረበን ኣማራፂ እዩ !!
ReplyDeleteንቲ ፕሮጀክት ክረኣይ ክሕሰብ በጀት ክድለዮ ግድብ ክስራሕማይ ክምላእ ናብ ኣገልግሎት ክኣቱ እንተነኣሰ ብኣካይዳን ኣመራርሓን ሃገርና 20 ዓመት የድሊ :: ስለዚ ዝሓሸ ዘላቒ ጥቕሚ ዘለዎ ዘተኣማምንን ኣብ ሓፂር እዋን ናብ ኣገልግሎት ክኣቱ ዝኽእልን ግድብሩባ ተከዘ እዩ ::
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ReplyDeleteGreat work and highly appreciated.
ReplyDeleteI have few comments on the name of Sub-basin and catchments. Tigari has totally 23 sub-basins including Giba. Please edit it.
Tigrai BoARD
Mekelle, Tigray.
I am an anthropologist, not an engineer, but this should be possible. In fact, at any cost!
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